2011 Papers
Date: 2015-11-06, Hits: 1110
  1. Zou Cheng, Chen Bin, Zhu Xiao-Jian, Zuo Zheng-Hu, Liu Yi-Wei, Chen Yuan-Fu, Zhan Qing-Feng, and Li Run-Wei. Local leakage current behaviours of BiFeO3 films.Chin. Phys. B. 20.117701(2011);[PDF]

  2. Qiwei Tian, Minghua Tang, Feiran Jiang, Yiwei Liu, Jianghong Wu, Rujia Zou, Yangang Sun, Zhigang Chen, Runwei Li and Junqing Hu, Large-scaled star-shaped α-MnS nanocrystals with novel magnetic properties. Chem. Commun.47,8100-8102.(2011);[PDF]

  3. Xiaojian Zhu, Fei Zhuge, Mi Li, Kuibo Yin, Yiwei Liu,Zhenghu Zuo, Bin Chen and Run-Wei Li. Microstructure dependence of leakage and resistive switching behaviours in Ce-doped BiFeO3 thin films. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.44.415104.(2011);[PDF]

  4. Fei Zhuge, Shanshan Peng, Congli He, Xiaojian Zhu, Xinxin Chen, Yiwei Liu and Run-Wei Li, Improvement of resistive switching in Cu/ZnO/Pt sandwiches by weakening the randomicity of the formation/rupture of Cu filaments, Nanotechnology.22,275204.(2011);[PDF]

  5. Wei Ning, Zhe Qu, You-Ming Zou, Lang-Sheng Ling, Lei Zhang, Chuan-Ying Xi, Hai-Feng Du, Run-Wei Li, Yu-Heng Zhang, Giant anisotropic magnetoresistance in bilayered La2-2xSr1+2xMn2O7 (x=0.4) single crystal, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98,212503.(2011);[PDF]

  6. Fei Zhuge, Benlin Hu, Congli He, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu, Run-Wei Li*, Mechanism of nonvolatile resistive switching in graphene oxide thin films, Carbon, 49(12):3796-3802.(2011);[PDF]

  7. Fei Zhuge, Run-Wei Li*, Congli He, Zhaoping Liu and Xufeng Zhou, Physics and Applications of Graphene - Experiments: Chapter 17 Non-Volatile Resistive Switching in Graphene Oxide Thin Films, InTech (2011), ISSN 978-953-307-217-3.[PDF]

  8. Bin Chen, Mi Li, Yiwei Liu, Zhenghu Zuo, Fei Zhuge, Qing-Feng Zhan and Run-Wei Li. Effect of top electrodes on photovoltaic properties of polycrystalline BiFeO3 based thin film capacitors. Nanotechology. 22,195201.(2011);[PDF]

  9. C.Y. Dong, D.S. Shang, L. Shi, J.R. Sun, B.G. Shen, F. Zhuge, R.W. Li, and W. Chen. Roles of silver oxide in the bipolar resistance switching devices with silver electrode. Appl. Phys. Lett. 98,072107. (2011);[PDF]

  10. Hongjun Liu, Jyh-Pin Chou, Run-Wei Li, Ching-Ming Wei, and Kazushi Miki. Trimeric precursors in the formation of Al magic clusters on Si(111)-7×7 surface.Phys. Rev B. 83, 075405. (2011);[PDF]