Xie Yali, Ph.D, Associate Professor
E-mail: xieyl@nimte.ac.cn
2002.09-2006.07: B.S. College of Physics, Hebei normal University.
2007.09-2010.07: M.S. Condensed Matter Physics, Hefei national laboratory for physical sciences at the microscale, University of Science and Technology of China.
2010.07- 2018.12: Research assistant, Multifunctional Oxide Films & Devices Group, Division of Functional Materials & Nano Devices, Ningbo Institute of Material Technology & Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2018.12~Now, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Tuning the magnetic anisotropy of magnetic materials by multi-fields (such as stress/strain, electric field, magnetic field)
Selected Publications:
- Yali Xie, Baomin Wang , Huali Yang, and Run-Wei Li, Preparation and magnetic properties of wrinkled FeRh flexible films, AIP Advances 10, 025327 (2020)
- Ping Sheng#, Yali Xie#, Yuhao Bai#, Baomin Wang, Lei Zhang, Xingcheng Wen, Huali Yang, Xiaoyuan Chen, Xiaoguang Li, Run-Wei Li. Magnetoelastic anisotropy of antiferromagnetic materials. Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 242403. (2019).
- Y. L. Xie, Q. F. Zhan, T. Shang, H. L. Yang, B. M. Wang, and R-W. Li, Electric field control of magnetic properties in FeRh/PMN-PT heterostructure. AIP Advances 8, 055816 (2018)
- Y. L. Xie, Q. F. Zhan, T. Shang, H. L. Yang, B. M. Wang, J. Tang, and R-W. Li, Effect of epitaxial strain and lattice mismatch on magnetic and transport behaviors in metamagnetic FeRh thin films. AIP Advances 7, 056314 (2017)
- Y. L. Xie, Q. F. Zhan, Y. W. Liu, G. H. Dai, H. L. Yang, Z. H. Zuo, B. Chen, B. M. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Rong, and R. -W. Li. Electric-field control of magnetic anisotropy in Fe81Ga19/ BaTiO3 heterostructure films. AIP Advances 4, 117113 (2014)
- Yali Xie, Huali Yang, Yiwei Liu, Zhihuan Yang, Bin Chen, Zhenghu Zuo, Sadhana Katlakunta, Qingfeng Zhan, Run-Wei Li, Strain induced tunable anisotropic magnetoresistance in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 /BaTiO3 heterostructures, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17C716 (2013)
- Y. L. Xie, R. H. Liu, T. Wu, G. Wu, Y. A. Song, D. Tan, X. F. Wang, H. Chen, J. J. Ying, Y. J. Yan, Q. J. Li, X. H. Chen, Structure and Physical properties of New layered oxypnictides Sr4Sc2O6M2As2(M = Fe and Co), Europhysics Letters 86, 57007 (2009)
- Y. L. Xie, J. J. Ying, G. Wu, R. H. Liu, and X. H. Chen, Spin orientation in spin frustrated system LiCu2O2, Physica E 42 1579-1582 (2010)